As I Sat Sadly By Her Side
As I sat sadly by her side At the window through the glass She stroked a kitten in her lap And we watched the world as it fell past Softly she spoke these words to me And with brand new eyes, open wide We pressed our faces to the glass As I sat sadly by her side.
She said, 'Father, mother, sister, brother, Uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, Soldier, sailor, physician, labourer, Actor, scientist, mechanic, priest, Earth and moon and sun and stars Planets and comets with tails blazing All are there forever falling Falling lovely and amazing.'
Then she smiled and turned to me And waited for me to reply Her hair was falling down her shoulders As I sat sadly by her side.
As I sat sadly by her side The kitten she did gently pass Over to me and again we pressed Our different faces to the glass 'That may be very well,' I said 'But watch that one falling in the street See him gesture to his neighbours See him trampled beneath their feet All outward motion connects to nothing For each is concerned with their immediate need Witness the man reaching up from the gutter See the other stumbling on who does not see.'
With trembling hand I turned toward her And pushed the hair out of her eyes The kitten jumped back to her lap As I sat sadly by her side.
Then she drew the curtains down And said, 'When will you ever learn That what happens there beyond the glass Is simply none of your concern? God has given you but one heart You are not a home for the hearts of your brothers And God does not care for your benevolence Anymore than he cares for the lack of it in others Nor does he care for those who sit At windows in judgement of the world He created While sorrows pile up around him Ugly, useless and over-inflated.'
At which she turned her head away Great tears leaping from her eyes I could not wipe the smile from my face As I sat sadly by her side.
And No More Shall We Part
And no more shall we part It will no longer be necessary And no more will I say, dear heart I am alone and she has left me
And no more shall we part The contracts are drawn up, the ring is locked upon the finger And never again will my letters start Sadly, or in the depths of winter
And no more shall we part All the hatchets have been buried now And all of birds will sing to your beautiful heart Upon the bough
And no more shall we part Your chain of command has been silenced now And all of those birds would've sung to your beautiful heart Anyhow
Lord, stay by me Don't go down I will never be free If I'm not free now
Lord, stay by me Don't go down I never was free What are you talking about?
For no more shall we part And no more shall we part
On the first day of May I took to the road I'd been staring out the window most of the morning I'd watched the rain claw at the glass And a vicious wind blew hard and fast I should have taken it as a warning As a warning As a warning As a warning
I'd given my nurse the weekend off My meals were ill prepared My typewriter had turned mute as a tomb And my piano crouched in the corner of my room With all its teeth bared All its teeth bared All its teeth bared All its teeth bared.
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah
I left my house without my coat Something my nurse would not have allowed And I took the small roads out of town And I passed a cow and the cow was brown And my pyjamas clung to me like a shroud Like a shroud Like a shroud Like a shroud
There rose before me a little house With all hope and dreams kept within A woman's voice close to my ear Said, "Why don't you come in here?" "You looked soaked to the skin" Soaked to the skin Soaked to the skin Soaked to the skin
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah
I turned to the woman and the woman was young I extended a hearty salutation But I knew if my nurse had been here She would never in a thousand years Permit me to accept that invitation Invitation That invitation That invitation
Now, you might think it wise to risk it all Throw caution to the reckless wind But with her hot cocoa and her medication My nurse had been my one salvation So I turned back home I turned back home I turned back home Singing my song
Hallelujah The tears are welling in my eyes again Hallelujah I need twenty big buckets to catch them in Hallelujah And twenty pretty girls to carry them down Hallelujah And twenty deep holes to bury them in Hallelujah The tears are welling in my eyes again Hallelujah I need twenty big buckets to catch them in Hallelujah And twenty pretty girls to carry them down Hallelujah And twenty deep holes to bury them in
Love Letter
I hold this letter in my hand A plea, a petition, a kind of prayer I hope it does as I have planned Losing her again is more than I can bear I kiss the cold, white envelope I press my lips against her name Two hundred words. We live in hope The sky hangs heavy with rain
Love Letter Love Letter Go get her Go get her Love Letter Love Letter Go tell her Go tell her
A wicked wind whips up the hill A handful of hopeful words I love her and I always will The sky is ready to burst Said something I did not mean to say Said something I did not mean to say Said something I did not mean to say It all came out the wrong way
Love Letter Love letter Go get her Go get her Love Letter Love letter Go tell her Go tell her
Rain your kisses down upon me Rain your kisses down in storms And for all who'll come before me In your slowly fading forms I'm going out of my mind Will leave me standing in The rain with a letter and a prayer Whispered on the wind
Come back to me Come back to me O baby please come back to me
Fifteen Feet Of Pure White Snow
Where is Mona? She's long gone Where is Mary? She's taken her along But they haven't put their mittens on And there's fifteen feet of pure white snow?
Where is Michael? Where is Mark? Where is Mathew Now it's getting dark? Where is John? They are all out back Under fifteen feet of pure white snow Would you please put down that telephone We're under fifteen feet of pure white snow
I waved to my neighbour My neighbour waved to me But my neighbour Is my enemy I kept waving my arms Till I could not see Under fifteen feet of pure white snow
Is anybody Out there please? It's too quiet in here And I'm beginning to freeze I've got icicles hanging From my knees Under fifteen feet of pure white snow
Is there anybody here who feels this low? Under fifteen feet of pure white snow
Raise your hands up to the sky Raise your hands up to the sky Raise your hands up to the sky Is it any wonder? Oh my Lord Oh my Lord Oh my Lord Oh my Lord
Doctor, Doctor I'm going mad This is the worst day I've ever had I can't remember Ever feeling this bad Under fifteen feet of pure white snow Where's my nurse I need some healing I've been paralysed By a lack of feeling I can't even find Anything worth stealing Under fifteen feet of pure white snow
Is there anyone else here who doesn't know? We're under fifteen feet of pure white snow
Raise your hands up to the sky Raise your hands up to the sky Raise your hands up to the sky Is it any wonder? Oh my Lord Oh my Lord Oh my Lord Oh my Lord Save Yourself! Help Yourself! Save Yourself! Help Yourself! Save Yourself! Help Yourself! Save Yourself! Help Yourself!
God Is In The House
We've laid the cables and the wires We've split the wood and stoked the fires We've lit our town so there is no Place for crime to hide Our little church is painted white And in the safety of the night We all go quiet as a mouse For the word is out God is in the house God is in the house God is in the house No cause for worry now God is in the house
Moral sneaks in the White House Computer geeks in the school house Drug freaks in the crack house We don't have that stuff here We have a tiny little Force But we need them of course For the kittens in the trees And at night we are on our knees As quiet as a mouse For God is in the house God is in the house God is in the house And no one's left in doubt God is in the house
Homos roaming the streets in packs Queer bashers with tyre-jacks Lesbian counter-attacks That stuff is for the big cities Our town is very pretty We have a pretty little square We have a woman for a mayor Our policy is firm but fair Now that God is in the house God is in the house God is in the house Any day now He'll come out God is in the house
Well-meaning little therapists Goose-stepping twelve-stepping Tetotalitarianists The tipsy, the reeling and the drop down pissed We got no time for that stuff here Zero crime and no fear We've bred all our kittens white So you can see them in the night And at night we're on our knees As quiet as a mouse Since the word got out From the North down to the South For no-one's left in doubt There's no fear about If we all hold hands and very quietly shout Hallelujah God is in the house God is in the house Oh I wish He would come out God is in the house
Oh My Lord
I thought I'd take a walk today It's a mistake I sometimes make My children lay asleep in bed My wife lay wide-awake I kissed her softly on the brow I tried not to make a sound But with stony eyes she looked at me And gently squeezed my hand Call it a premonition, call it a crazy vision Call it intuition, something learned from mother But when she looked up at me, I could clearly see The Sword of Damocles hanging directly above her Oh Lord Oh my Lord Oh Lord How have I offended thee? Wrap your tender arms around me Oh Lord Oh Lord Oh My Lord
They called at me through the fence They were not making any sense They claimed that I had lost the plot Kept saying that I was not The man I used to be They held their babes aloft Threw marsh mellows at the Security And said that I'd grown soft Call it intuition, call it a creeping suspicion, But their words of derision meant they hardly knew me For even I could see in the way they looked at me The Spear of Destiny sticking right through me Oh Lord Oh my lord Oh Lord How have I offended thee? Wrap your tender arms round me Oh Lord Oh lord Oh My Lord
Now I'm at the hairdressers People watch me as they move past A guy wearing plastic antlers Presses his bum against the glass Now I'm down on my hands and knees And it's so fucking hot! Someone cries, "What are you looking for?" I scream, "The plot, the plot!" I grab my telephone, I call my wife at home She screams, "Leave us alone!" I say, "Hey, it's only me" The hairdresser with his scissors, he holds up the mirror I look back and shiver; I can't even believe what I can see
Be mindful of the prayers you send Pray hard but pray with care For the tears that you are crying now Are just your answered prayers The ladders of life that we scale merrily Move mysteriously around So that when you think you're climbing up, man In fact you're climbing down Into the hollows of glamour, where with spikes and hammer With telescopic camera, they chose to turn the screw Oh I hate them, Ma! Oh I hate them, Pa! Oh I hate them all for what they went and done to you Oh Lord Oh my Lord Oh Lord How have I offended thee? Wrap your tender arms round me Oh Lord Oh Lord Oh My Lord
Sweetheart Come
Come over here, babe It ain't that bad I don't claim to understand The troubles that you've had But the dogs you say they fed you to Lay their muzzles in your lap And the lions that they led you to Lie down and take a nap The ones you fear are wind and air And I love you without measure It seems we can be happy now Be it better late than never
Sweetheart, come Sweetheart, come Sweetheart, come Sweetheart, come to me
The burdens that you carry now Are not of your creation So let's not weep for their evil deeds But for their lack of imagination Today's the time for courage, babe Tomorrow can be for forgiving And if he touches you again with his stupid hands His life won't be worth living
Sweetheart, come Sweetheart, come Sweetheart, come Sweetheart, come to me
Walk with me now under the stars For it's a clear and easy pleasure And be happy in my company For I love you without measure Walk with me now under the stars It's a safe and easy pleasure It seems we can be happy now It's late but it ain't never It's late but it ain't never It's late but it ain't never
The Sorrowful Wife
I married my wife on the day of the eclipse Our friends awarded her courage with gifts Now as the nights grow longer and the season shifts I look to my sorrowful wife Who is quietly tending her flowers Who is quietly tending her .....
The water is high on the beckoning river I made her a promise I could not deliver And the cry of the birds sends a terrible shiver Through me and my sorrowful wife Who is shifting the furniture around Who is shifting the furniture around
Now we sit beneath the knotted Yew And the bluebells bob around our shoes The task of remembering the telltale clues Goes to my lovely, my sorrowful wife Who is counting the days on her fingers
Who is counting the days on her ..... Come on and help me babe Come on now Help me babe I was blind The grass here grows long and high Twists right up to the sky White clouds roll on by Come on now and help me babe I was blind I was a fool babe I was blind Come on now A loose wind last night blew down Black trees bent to the ground Their blossoms made such a sound That I could not hear myself think babe Come on now And help me babe Help me now I was blind I was a fool
We Came Along This Road
I left by the back door With my wife's lover's smoking gun I don't know what I was hoping for I hit the road at a run I was your lover I was your man There never was no other I was your friend Till we came along this road Till we came along this road Till we came along this road
I ain't sent you no letters, Ma But I'm looking quite a trip The world spinning beneath me, Ma Guns blazing at my hip You were my lover You were my friend There never was no other On whom I could depend Then we came along this road We came along this road We came along this road
Gates To The Garden
Past the ivy-covered windows of The Angel Down Athenaeum Lane to the cathedral Through the churchyard I wandered Sat for a spell there and I pondered My back to the gates of the garden My back to the gates of the garden My back to the gates of the garden
Fugitive fathers, sickly infants, decent mothers Runaways and suicidal lovers Assorted boxes of ordinary bones Of aborted plans and sudden shattered hopes In unlucky rows, up to the gates of the garden In unhappy rows, up to the gates of the garden In unlucky rows, up to the gates of the garden
Won't you meet me at the gates Won't you meet me at the gates Won't you meet me at the gates To the garden
Beneath the creeping shadow of the tower The bell from St. Edmunds informs me of the hour I turn to find you waiting there for me In sunlight and I see the way that you breathe Alive and leaning on the gates of the garden Alive and leaning on the gates of the garden Alive and leaning on the gates of the garden
Leave these ancient places to the angels Let the saints attend to their keeping of the cathedrals And leave the dead beneath the ground so cold For God is in this hand that I hold As we open up the gates of the garden
Won't you meet me at the gates Won't you meet me at the gates Won't you meet me at the gates To the garden
Darker With The Day
As so with that, I thought I'd take a final walk The tide of public opinion had started to abate The neighbours, bless them, had turned out to be all talk I could see their frightened faces peering at me through the gate
I was looking for an end to this, for some kind of closure Time moved so rapidly, I had no hope of keeping track of it I thought of my friends who had died of exposure And I remembered other ones who had died from the lack of it
And in my best shoes I started falling forward down the street I stopped at a church and jostled through the crowd And love followed just behind me, panting at my feet As the steeple tore the stomach from a lonely little cloud
Inside I sat, seeking the presence of a God I searched through the pictures in a leather-bound book I found a woolly lamb dozing in an issue of blood And a gilled Jesus shivering on a fisherman's hook
Babe It seems so long Since you've been gone away And I Just got to say That it grows darker with the day
Back on the street I saw a great big smiling sun It was a Good day and an Evil day and all was bright and new And it seemed to me that most destruction was being done By those who could not choose between the two
Amateurs, dilettantes, hacks, cowboys, clones The streets groan with little Caesars, Napoleons and cunts With their building blocks and their tiny plastic phones Counting on their fingers, with crumbs down their fronts
I passed by your garden, saw you with your flowers The Magnolias, Camellias and Azaleas so sweet And I stood there invisible in the panicking crowds You looked so beautiful in the rising heat I smell smoke, see little fires bursting on the lawns People carry on regardless, listening to their hands Great cracks appear in the pavement, the earth yawns Bored and disgusted, to do us down
Babe It seems so long Since you've been gone And I Just got to say That it grows darker with the day
These streets are frozen now. I come and go Full of a longing for something I do not know My father sits slumped in the deepening snow As I search, in and out, above, about, below
Babe It seems so long Since you went away And I Just got to say That it grows darker with the day